welcome to all followers.....

welcome to all my frenz....first thing, rse cm best lak wat blog nie...huhuh...excited gak r....so i ready to share all my story....emm, then all my follower can give ur comment or anything towards my activity....yeahh....that's all....peace.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010



   Cerita aku bermula pd ari khamis bersamaan 16 september 2010, aku bersama kawan2 ku kire mcam konvoi r....huhu...kiteowg pegi beraya dulu...kire jalan2 merata2...pastu kami pergi ke ke GUA CHARAS...selama aku idup 20 thn nie,,..it is a 1st time tuk aku g ke gua charas....excited gak r....hahahaha...kami 'berkonvoi dgn dua buah kereta....mmg best gile r...hurmmm....msuk ke gua tu kene byr plak...huhuh..terkezut gak r coz ingat free je...hahahahh....so terpaksa la kami byr RM 2 jew....actually dlm gua tu bkn ade pe pown...just ade patung2 buddha...hahah...mcm2 bentuk...ade sleeping buddha n many more....huuhu nak naik smpai ke dlm gua punye la byk tangga kne daki....penat giler...xlarat tol aku....at last kami sampai gak kat kaki gua tue...disebabkan xlarat d ank jalan...aku xmsuk pown dlm gua tue...just a few of my frenz je yg msuk dlm gua,,,.ape lg kiteowg yg kat luar ni berposing abes r kat situ....hahahahaha...then, pas 10 minit kat situ, kiteowg gerak tuk turun blik....otw nk turun kiteowg snap pic lg...ye la tuk kenangan....So our next journey bermula.....

   After Gua Charas, kiteowng bergerak ke Sg Lembing 4 mandi-manda....hahahaha......perjalanan ke sg lembing amik mse dlm 10-15 minit jew kot...xkesah la bpe minit...hahahaha.....da lame gak aku xg mandi kat sungai..huhu...so excited...tp sbenarnye aku xmandi pown just maen2 air...hohoho...da smpai kat sg,dieowg trus mandi...xsempat2...hahaha...kiteowg trus snap pic...mcm2 gaye ade...hahaha...best moment forever....huhu

                                                           Sebelum masuk Gua Charas

Candid ya....

me,bazli n norus

nice shoot...

Gua Charas

laluan ke gua....

Friday, September 24, 2010

MGT 3553

6 ways to be a good friends.....

 1.      Spend time together. If you can’t go for walks or to yoga class together, then telephone or email    your friend regularly. The conversations needn’t be long or personal; those quick “I’m thinking of you” moments can go a long way in making a strong support network.

 2.                 Make friends a priority. Maybe you “should” clean the house, wash the cars, go grocery shopping, or watch tv (some people feel they should do that!). But give those “shoulds” the brush and prioritize your friendships. There will be plenty of time for those “shoulds” when you’re dead. For now, think about the health benefits of friendship.            
3.             Be there for the good and bad. Show up for the funerals and the weddings, the surgeries and the celebrations! Be sincerely sad or genuinely happy for your friend – and include them on the good and bad in your life, too. One way to be a good friend is to be inclusive.

4..                  Don’t keep score. Who called who last? Who bought lunch last? Who spent the most on birthday gifts? Who forgot whose birthday? Who cares? If you have a good friend, cut a little slack. If your friendship really isn’t that great, then maybe you need to re-evaluate it. The health benefits of friendship will outlast the score-keeping cards

5.              Notice the little stuff. The conversations that matter the most are the quick little ones that last only a few minutes. It’s not always the deep long heart-to-hearts that bond friends together -- it's the day to day minutiae of everyday life. One way to be a good friend is to have short, sweet conversations.

6.                   Focus on the positive. We all have quirks and weaknesses; focusing on your friend’s strengths and wonderful qualities will keep your friendship alive and strong. To be a good friend, forget about the things you wish were different.